
Safety Policy

SumiRiko Eastern Rubber (Thailand) Ltd. aware to the significant of Safety Management System .The top management commit to deploy the Safety policy to achieve "Zero injuries " target. To achieve the target we provide safety condition and good sanitation , determine Safety objectives consistent with the policy, commitment of implementation complied with legal and other requirements, reduction of hazard risk and continually improvement, promotion of consultation and participation of worker and fulfill their competency effectively.

Environment Policy

All employees and everyone working for or on behalf of the organization realize environmental conservation and efficient use of resources to prevent pollution by strictly following environmental procedures, and then continual progress it.

Compliance & Governance Policy

Maintain a high standard of corporate ethics by observing all laws and regulations to earn public trust and confidence worldwide.

Quality Policy

Projection of the production and the delivery of the highest quality products by all members on the concept of “ “CUSTOMER FIRST” using the QC tools and obeying to the rules, to subsequently gain high reliance from customer.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Policy

Based on the "Sumitomo Spirit," we are committed to solving social issues, as exemplified by the SDGs, through technological innovation. By simultaneously enhancing corporate values and public values, we aim to create social value and grow sustainably together with society.